Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hello world

I'm back.
I've been gone working at World Market Center.
It's a huge furniture convention that the company I work for does all the valet parking/traffic control for. And it just so happens that I am the master key puller/hanger.
I worked 12 days straight and put in over 100 hours this pay period. Mama is tired, haha.

And poor little Alice is teething so she hasn't been sleeping through the night like all month either, so that doesn't help me at all. Her right top side tooth finally poked through but I'm pretty sure she is getting the left one now.
I hate teething. I just want my little girl to sleep through the night and be happy happy all the time again.
She really isn't a bad teether, she's not too cranky during the day. Just at night she gets soooo ridiculous.
She is going to look so silly with her two top side teeth and her two bottom middles.
Justin said "Oh Alice you are going to look like your friend Goofy" hahahaha.

We went up to St. George Sunday morning and hung out at my mom's house like all day Sunday.
Then Monday (because I got the day off after working forever) we went and visited Alice's boyfriend Elliott.
She loves him. They would just stare at each other and smile and it was so so cute.
He is almost as big as Alice is. He weighs the same and she maybe has an inch on him.
Look at his cute little chubby face though! Isn't he adorable? Yes, he is.
via: ToddandRachel Sullivan

Alice is getting so big! She scooted for the first time 3 days ago. 
I was just watching TV and my phone fell off of the couch and all of a sudden Alice scooted for it! I was so proud that I called Justin right away and had my little mommy freak out moment. 
Even crazier, she has been trying to pull herself up. BEFORE SHE CAN EVEN CRAWL
We had to lower her crib because if she had pulled herself up in it before she would have fallen right out of it cause she's so tall. Her crib looks sooooo much better now. I re-adjusted the bumper so it isn't all flopsy and ugly looking. It took some time and some taking apart but I did it, and I love it haha. 
PS I think it is definitely time for an Alice photoshoot. I haven't put up pictures in a long time....

Great news though!!
Justin passed his state boards! He got 98% on his practical, and they said they'd mail his license in just a few days. 
He has his hang out day at Kelly Cardenas Salon on Wednesday (tomorrow, holy crap).
Once he is in the salon and we know how much money he is making and I know how to drive stick shift I will be working part time! Goodbye office, hello Lawry's.
Less work, more money, and more time with my glow worm :) Less time with my hubby though :(
It'll be so much nicer because I won't have to find a full time babysitter!
I'll only need someone for MAYBE 3 or 4 hours. Ahhh, stress relieved. 
Now all I have to do is find a fellow mom friend to hang out with haha
I think I'm going to make a 21 to do before 22 list. I've only been 21 for a month and a half now so it's not too late. 

Shawntae started posting about 1st birthday party ideas (Kingston is only 2 days younger than my stink bug) so now I'm thinking about Alice's 1st birthday party. 
If you know my husband then you know he is goofy and random, so very very random. 
So I asked him a while ago what he wanted to do for Alice's 1st birthday and he said have a sleepover party haha. (This was when she was like 4 months old I think).
Last night I asked him again  "What should we do for Alice's first birthday?"
Justin: "Let's have a pool party" and I was just thinking to myself...a baby pool party? really? that's what you came up with? Apparently he doesn't think it's as important as I do! So I am going to try and come up with some ideas for it. I want it to be something original, of course. And fun for her! 
I was thinking maybe like a tea party like Alice in Wonderland, but that'd be better for when she's older and actually has friends.  
I just don't know what to do....So send me some ideas!

Oh and just a reminder of her cuteness:

1 comment:

  1. Alice in wonderland party would be soo cute! I can give you a website of this really cute alice in wonderland party.

    Oh my heck why does she have so many teefies and Kingston has none?? He is going backwards I guess haha. She needs to teach him how to grow teefies and he will teach her how to crawl and walk. :)
