Monday, May 3, 2010


Alice likes her rice cereal finally! She eats all of it every time I feed her with no tears. Hooray!
And she rolled back to tummy. It's so funny though. She HATES tummy time, and she can't roll tummy to back. Whenever she rolls over it takes her about one minute until she is crying because she wants to be on her back. I leave her there until she really can't take it anymore to see if she'll try to roll back but she doesn't even attempt to. She is such a nerd, I love it!

Having a baby and working full time is hard though. Kelly is getting induced on Thursday (May 6th) and Justin doesn't graduate until the following Tuesday (May 11th). Michelle is busy all week with teacher appreciation and Karla has to substitute all week so I just don't know what to do! I need a babysitter.... (insert streesed face here). Justin's mom watched her on Friday and I asked Kelly to do it today. I didn't really want to because I want to give her plenty of time to rest up and everything before Grady comes but she misses Alice..haha.

Kelly and Dustin moved out. I'm kind of sad, but it's nice to have the house to ourselves again. Plus they will have more space for Grady which will be so much better for them. We're keeping the grill though so they have to come over once or twice a week for dinner 

We are rearranging our house too. We're gonna make the extra bathroom Alice's bathroom, the extra bedroom Alice's bedroom, and Alice's bedroom her playroom! It'll be so nice. I'm so excited! Alice is getting spoiled...two rooms and her own bathroom. It must be nice to be an only child hahaha. 

Justin went to Kelly Cardenas' salon yesterday for a charity haircutting event. The guy that cut his hair told him he was rooting for Justin to get hired there. Kelly came out for a minute too I guess and Justin was one of the only people he talked to! I'm pretty sure he's gonna get the job. So far it's looking good. I'm excited for him. 

P.S.- It's pregnant season again.  I know two couples who just got pregnant and were not planning on it.

Mine and Justin's 2 year anni is 6 days away! Last year for our anniversary I was puking my guts out so we didn't do much. This year we want to go see the Beatle's LOVE cirque du soleil, but I need to check ticket price and stuff. Stupid guy figured out what I got him though (a new iPod). It was going to be such a good surprise and he ruined it! I'm so mad...but not really. He's also gonna take me to dinner, probably at Lawry's. He works the valet there and I think he can get a pretty good discount. I'm so excited!!!! 

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