My little booger is 4 months old! She is getting so big! I can't handle how cute she is. I just love, love, love her!
I took her to the doctor...she had to get shots again.
Didn't go as well this time, but mostly because she was in her carseat ALLLL day. (Her doctor is in St. George)
She spit up a lot, which she normally doesn't do. And Justin didn't go with me so it was pretty tough.
She weighs 13 pounds 12.5 ounces (53%)
Is 25.5 inches tall! (91%)
And her head is 16.4 inches (71%)
She might get her looks from me, but her figure came from daddy.
At 4 months Alice:
Sleeps 9 hours every night!
Only naps really good on Mommy and Baby days (Saturday)
Still hates tummy time, but is really good at holding her head up.
Smiles all the time! I love that gummy smile.
Loves to hear her voice so she whines a lot, for no reason..
Is so interested. She's always looking around at EVERYTHING.
Loves her purse....thanks Grandma.
And her Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal.
And her Sophie Giraffe...thanks Shawntae.
And her rattle bee.
Loves her bottle. As soon as she sees it she stops crying and gives a little smirk.
And she tries to hold it all on her own.
She eats 7 oz. every 3 to 6 hours. Little pig!
Eats rice cereal, but does not like it!
Soon she'll move on to oatmeal. Hopefully she likes it more.
(Pictures of a messy face coming soon ♥)
Is such a daddy's girl. She smiles super big as soon as he gets home.
Still loves to suck on her hand, but likes her index finger the most.
You will rarely see her without a hand or finger in her mouth.
Loves to splash in the tub. She thinks it is funny funny.
Has beautiful, big hazel eyes.
Rolls from side to side. It's so cute.
Loves, loves to stand up. We have to force her to sit down.
Likes her car seat, and her swing but LOVES her vibrating chair.
She is such a goofy goober! I really love her guts.
Someday soon she'll be sitting up on her own, and roly polying all over the place!
I can't wait!
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