Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This is what Alice's day has consisted of for the past week and a half.

Since Justin is working days now, we have yet to find a replacement for me, and I have no babysitter, Alice has been coming to work with me pretty much every day.  She is such a good baby, she just rolls around the office in her walker and loves it. Such a social butterfly.

I didn't go to Peach Days...Justin and I sat at home alll weekend and just relaxed. Oh it was so nice! I had Monday off for the Holiday too. I wish I had every Monday off, it makes the week much shorter. We only left the house to get food I think. We were so lazy and I loved it.

BUT this morning a friend of mine wrote me a message saying that her, her hubby, and their cute little baby girl are moving to Las Vegas!!! This pleases me. Espesh because I'm going to be home during the day soon, which means we can have hang out days HOORAY!

Alice is sound asleep right now. She looks so cute when she's sleeping. She sleeps on her side, with her little bird mouth open (once she's really really asleep she spits binky out). Oh I just wanna kiss her. It's funny, I'm really worn out from having her with me all the time, and I'd like a break but I love her so much I almost don't care. We've been having fun goofing around in the office. 

1 comment:

  1. hey! I'm super excited to move. Alice & Scarlett will totally be bff's I just know it! I'm excited to hang out with you too! yay for vegas!
