Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunflower Girl

Alice is almost 6 months old. I can't believe how fast that half of the year went! 
She is rolling all over the place now! I love it, it's so silly.

And she is almost sitting up on her own. She's a little wobbly and nervous still but she loves it. 

I went a little picture crazy over the weekend, but I couldn't help it...she's too cute!

Lately she has been loving the color red. I went to Wal-Mart to find those denim looking diapers (which they apparently don't make in size 2 so I'll have to wait until she's got a bigger booty) and while I was walking around I randomly found these red and clear avent binkies (avent are my fav). When I went to the binky section they didn't have any red ones so I of course had to buy them haha. (I always make up excuses to buy things for her. I think this was a pretty good one, no?)

She loves her toys. Especially her Sophie and her teething rings.

She has been eating everything lately. Washcloths are her new(ish) favorite. 
She loves to suck the water off of them. 
I don't know why but she LOVES drinking water. 
I think she secretly likes getting the hiccups because we always give her water to get rid of them...
It's so hard to get the rag out of her hands once she has it too.
I have to rip it away from her and keep it out of the water until I use it.
One time it made her choke....
Let's just say I don't let her play with it too much after that, haha.

We stayed home all weekend, except for the park on Saturday.
It is so so so hot though. It's only noon and it's almost 100 degrees already.
Saturday was like 106 when we took her to the park so we didn't stay for too long.
Plus there were so many bugs! We were being attacked.

We are having so much fun with our little Sunflower.

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