We ran out of oatmeal so I started Alice on veggies two days ago.
I started with squash...
And switched to sweet potatoes...

Can't you tell she just loved them? HA!
She would just let it sit in her mouth and make the funniest faces like she was thinking "ew ew ew get this out of my mouth..."
I think she almost choked on them at one point...that's how much she hated them.
So last night I didn't really feel like forcing her to eat nasty squash or sweet potatoes again.
We tried carrots.

It went muuuuch better.
She loved them! And she ate all of them.
And she had an orange orange face from them.
Even after her bath haha.

She is so silly.
I tried the squash, and it was yucky.
And I tried the carrots, they weren't so bad.
I wonder if that means she'll be a picky eater like I am.
When I was little I wouldn't eat anything but cookies.
Yesterday was a good day for her though.
Justin took her to get the mail, and she wore her new shades.

And we went on a nice long walk when I got home from work.

It is getting reallly warm here in Las Vegas. I am so excited!
I wish we had room in our backyard to get a kiddy pool for her.
That would be so fun!
She is going to be half a year old soon. I can't believe how quick that went.
She woke up early this morning and was cranky cranky after I fed her.
Normally she takes her nap at 9:15 but since she woke up early she was too tired to wait that long.
So I got to put her down for a nap! It made me happy.
I love putting her to sleep...because she loves to cuddle.
Gosh I just love her guts.
you know what? Kingston loves loves squash and sweet potatoes and carrots. He HATES rice cereal... what a funny boy. Try mixing her baby food with lots of rice cereal so she tastes more of the rice cereal than the squash and sweet potatoes and I bet she will maybe like it more. I think they love the orange vegies more than the green ones because I tried pees yesterday and he wasn't having it he looked at me like are you kidding me?? I hate peas so i'm sure he isn't going to like them. He kept gagging and shuddering haha.
ReplyDeleteThis part is so fun. :)
I LOVE the videos! She's darling. I can't wait to start Gavin on solids now.