Friday, April 9, 2010


Last night Justin got a migraine and had to leave work because he was throwing up from it! Poor guy. So he didn't color my hair...maybe tonight. 

It's crazy how your baby learns new things everyday. Last night was so cute, she was lying on the bed (wiggling of course) after her bath, her hand went in front of her face and she just stared at it while she brought it up to her mouth!! It was like she was thinking "Oh there's my hand it's my goes in my mouth." 

She has also been loving standing up. Her legs get all tight, and she gets shaky but she really loves it. Before she fell asleep last night she would just cry until we stood her up. Then we'd sit her down and she'd cry some more! She is just too funny!

Look at how chunky her little legs are getting! I can't believe how nerdy she is. She loves to use her eyebrows. She makes the best faces always.I think she gets that from me. And this morning Justin was holding her before we left for work and she was just arching her back so she had to be hanging upside down. 

I just love that nerdy girl of mine ♥ I wish I could spend more time with her during the week...Maybe someday soon I'll get to quit and just be home with her. That would be my dream come true.

Kelly only has 4 more weeks until baby Grady breaks free. She is ready for him though haha. That's how all pregnancies are. The last 4 weeks are hell. 9 months is too long to be pregnant! I'm so glad I'm not's nice to actually fit into small spaces and be able to bend down and not feel like you're going to topple over. But 4 more weeks means our house is gonna be FULLL. I hope that Grady is a good, QUIET my Sunflower. She is just the best! 

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