Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3 Months Old!

Yesterday was Alice's 3 month birthday!!

When I was getting ready for work she was being so funny.
She was squeal talking. She's gonna be such a girl...

At 3 months:

Alice is pretty much exactly the same as last month.
She talks a lot more, definitely weighs more, and is a lot taller.
Her grip is getting really good. She always grabs my lips, and my shirt, and Justin’s hair.
She’s always loved sucking on her hand, but lately she’s been getting her index finger. It’s really cute.
She hasn’t been sleeping quite as good, but not bad.
And she is almost rolling over! Or she just really likes to arch her back.

I just can’t get enough of her!

We still haven’t gotten her blessed, we’re planning on this Sunday but we have to talk to our Bishop and we’ll see what he says.

Kelly and Dustin moved in with us yesterday. We both need to save money so we thought it was a good idea. I think it's going to be fun. Especially once Grady joins the crew. He is due May 11th.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Three months Alice. To bad you guys don't live closer then you could have play date's with Nikki and I. Sophia loves her little Kingston and i'm sure alice would too. :) Oh ya where did you get all those disney movies from I want to get it. I am a disney freak and get made fun of for it. That would be my dream come true if someone bought me that.
